Thursday, July 31, 2008

Misplaced Lunge & Jumping Saberists

Since it's getting closer to the Olympics, here are a few photos from my college fencing days. It's always miraculous when you can get a relatively decent looking picture when the object is moving, you don't have a tripod, and your camera can only handle but so much excitement. But they were fun photos to take nonetheless.

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Big Kids Toys for the Little Ones!

kid at construction site area
kid at bus driving area

The Boston Children's Museum has many different theme rooms, many of which have "grown up" type activities for kids. The two and a half year old we went with wanted to try out everything, of course.

This picture was not edited in any way except to change its size. All copyrights are retained by the author.

Rope Cage...of fun?

At the Boston Children's Museum there is a three story rope enclosed climbing area, for all kids under a certain size. Our friends' 2.5 year old daughter couldn't get enough of it this past February (she went in 3 times), despite how she looks in the first photo.

This picture was not edited in any way except to change its size. All copyrights are retained by the author.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fenway Park - Winning game ball

Red Sox winning game ball

This is actually a photo of a large photo in their clubhouse restaurant. I only post this photo because I like the way the ball looks when the entire thing is not visible, as opposed to having the black space around it as it does in their photo.

This picture was not edited in any way except to change its size. All copyrights are retained by the author.